BOOK: Atomic Bomb Surveys Under American Occupation: How Japan Became a Nuclear Aggressor (1995)
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NHK. 1995. Genpatsu Dōnyū Shinario ~ Reisenka no Tainichi Genshiryoku Senryaku 原発導入シナリオ ~冷戦下の対日原子力戦略 [Cold War Scenarios for Introducing Nuclear Energy to Japan]. YouTube video, 45 min, posted by “naga2218,” Mar 27, 2011, This NHK documentary tries to shed light on how Japan, the only nation
Footage from the following three short newsreels were selected in order to show the prevailing anti-nuclear sentiment in parts of the Japanese public during the 1950s and 1960s. At the height of the protests against the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation