疫病、古遺伝学が明らかにする、歴史学の境界 :: リー・モルデカイ (イズラエル)、マール・アイセンベルグ(米国)
[Teach311 + COVID-19] Collective
a teaching resource for scholars and educators
The perceived effects of the Justinianic Plague are hotly debated. While some scholars believe it killed as much as half the population of the Mediterranean world and contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire, others argue that it was
Engineering the Lower Shinano River in northeastern Japan to prevent floods such as those of 1896 ironically contributed to increased loss of property and expanded risk of other flood and tsunami damage as the region developed over the next century.
Beginning in December 1917, and continuing through late February 1918, New York Harbor, a key hub of logistical support for the Allied war effort on the Western Front during World War I, was paralyzed by a seemingly unending series of
Townsville is a city proud of its abilities to handle extremes. Located in Australia’s dry tropics, Townsville depends on seasonal monsoons (often including cyclones) to maintain its water supply. The way Townsville responds to major weather events has become part
The 1096 Nankai Trough tsunamigenic earthquake devastated communities along the Suruga and Ise coasts. The earthquake also caused damage to large and symbolically important buildings in the capital in Kyoto
Teach311 + COVID-19 is a collective of educators, researchers, artists, students and survivors spanning disciplinary and linguistic boundaries who study and teach about disasters. Our collaborative process encourages empathetic inquiry into the past, and shares those stories for the future.
Disaster frequently confronts residents of Mexico City. Earthquakes threaten the indiscriminate destruction of structures both precolonial and new, flash floods tease a waterlogged future reminiscent of the city’s lacustrine past, ashfall from volcanic eruptions brewing in close proximity carries the
How a Catastrophic Flood of the Gürbe River Triggered the Rethinking of Local Flood Protection On the evening of 29 July 1990, after a warm and sunny day, the sky over the Gantrisch region in the Swiss pre-Alps suddenly darkened.
Teach311.org is pleased to introduce the inaugural essay of the “Terms of Disaster” collection. This essay collection, co-curated with Arcadia, examines the historical setting and re-setting of the conditions and context of disaster due to human language and word choices. We’ll be posting more essays soon, so