1096年の永長地震・津波 :: Kristina Buhrman (United States)
[Teach311 + COVID-19] Collective
a teaching resource for scholars and educators
The 1096 Nankai Trough tsunamigenic earthquake devastated communities along the Suruga and Ise coasts. The earthquake also caused damage to large and symbolically important buildings in the capital in Kyoto
Teach311 + COVID-19 is a collective of educators, researchers, artists, students and survivors spanning disciplinary and linguistic boundaries who study and teach about disasters. Our collaborative process encourages empathetic inquiry into the past, and shares those stories for the future.
Teaching with 3.11 in the Present Aleksandra Kobiljski Editors’ Note: The current global health crisis has called us to reflect upon the role of digital pedagogical tools for facilitating empathetic learning about disasters in history. Our ability to create new
Fears that arose in the aftermath of the nuclear disaster that occurred in Northeastern Japan on 11 March 2011 led some Japanese families to evacuate overseas and to consider permanently leaving Japan. I met some young families in this situation in
Today, in remembrance of the events of March 11th, 2011, we are proud to announce the launch of our new Interview Collection.
Ozeki, Ruth. 2013. A Tale for the Time Being. Viking. The narratives of fiction offer room for the imagination of alternative outcomes and trajectories of real-life events. A Tale For The Time Being is a 2013 Booker Prize shortlisted novel
Healing Fukushima. 2016. Directed by Sulfikar Amir. Written by Shi-Lin Loh. Healing Fukushima is a documentary exploration of Japanese medical responses to a series of disasters that culminated in the nuclear accidents on 11 March 2011. It depicts how Japanese
세월호교실 [Teach Sewol], Accessed September 11, 2016, http://teachsewol.org The South Korean ferry Sewol sank on April 16, 2014, on its way to Jeju Island with 476 passengers and crew onboard. After a tragic failure of rescue operation, 295 people died
후쿠시마 참사와 그 이후를 묘사한 텍스트가 우리에게 상상력을 발휘하여 사건의 시나리오를 구성해 보도록 한다면, 참사의 시각적 묘사는 그 광경을 더 적나라하고 직접적으로 드러낸다. “나미에로 가는 길”은 싱가폴 난양 공과대학의 과학기술학자 설피카 아미르(Sulfikar Amir) 교수가 제작한 짧은 다큐멘터리 영화이다. 이 작품은
몇몇 가지는 변했지만, 많은 것은 바뀌지 않은 채 여전히 남아있다. Teach311.org의 멀티미디어 에디터인 류마 시네하가 숫자 ‘3’의 의미를 곱씹어본다—삼 년, 3.11과 관련된 통계를 생산한 세 현, 그리고 세 가지의 재난. 이 작품은 3.11로부터 3년이라는 시간의 간격이 어떠한 의미를 지니는지에 대해
Arcadia, a component of the Environment & Society Portal, and Teach311.org are pleased to announce a co-curated collection of short (about 750 words), punchy, research-based, peer-reviewed environmental histories that will look at the “Terms of Disaster”.
In this edition, we’re happy to announce a new language edition to the website: Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). MSA is the official language of the Arab world spanning from Morocco in the West to Oman in the East. It
رغم أن الوصوف النصية لكارثة «فوكوشيما» و آثارها تساعد في توسيع خيال القاريء لكي يحسن فهمه للموضوع عامةً، تشكل الوصوف البصرية للحادثة وسيلة أكثر ناجحة لأنها تمثل صورة أكثر مباشرة و واضحة لمدى روع الكارثة. «رحلة إلى نامي» فيلم
In the late fall of 2015, I took a study trip to the multiple disaster zones of northeastern Japan. The trip not only opened my eyes to the scale of the ruptures that occurred on March 11, 2011, but
While textual representations of the Fukushima disaster and its aftermath provide a conduit for the imagination to construct the scenario, visual depiction renders the landscape with visceral immediacy. “A Journey To Namie” is a short visual documentary by Sulfikar Amir, a
Some things have changed, but many things have not Teach311.org Multimedia Editor Ryuma Shineha contemplates the significance of the number 3 – three years, three focal prefectures with “3.11-related” statistics, and three disasters. This piece provides some insights into what