논문: 옛 거버넌스와 새 거버넌스에서 대중 재구성하기—한국의 원자력 에너지 정책 사례 (Reconstructing the public in old and new governance: A Korean case of nuclear energy policy—2014)

  Kim, Hyomin. “Reconstructing the public in old and new governance: A Korean case of nuclear energy policy.” Public Understanding of Science 23 (2014): 268-282.   한국 원자력 산업은 권위주의적인 정부 하에서 경제 발전 논리와 밀접하게 연결되었기 때문에 1990년대 중반까지 별다른

ARTICLE: 近代化を抱擁する温泉 (Kindaika o hōyō suru onsen) (2013)

  中尾麻伊香.「近代化を抱擁する温泉 :大正期のラジウム温泉ブームにおける放射線医学の役割」、『科学史研究』52 (2013): 187-199. Nakao, Maika “Kindaika o hōyō suru onsen: Taishō-ki no rajium onsen bu-mu ni okeru hōshasen igaku no yakuwari” Kagakushi Kenkyū 52 (2013):187-199   The author of this article is a historian of science specialising in the history



ARTICLE: 华北1743-1744 年与1876-1878 年旱灾中的政府粮食调度与社会后果对比 (Comparing Governmental Food Relief and its Impact on Society during the Droughts of 1743-1744 and 1876-1878 in North China) (2012)

  萧凌波, 黄欢, 魏柱灯. “华北1743-1744 年与1876-1878 年旱灾中的政府粮食调度与社会后果对比.” 灾害学 27, no 1 (2012): 101-106. Xiao, Lingbo, Huan Huang, and Zhudeng Wei. 2012. “Comparing Governmental Food Relief and its Impact on Society during the Droughts of 1743-1744 and 1876-1878 in North China.”

WEBSITE: The 3.11 Japanese Teaching Materials Project (Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies)

アメリカ・カナダ大学連合日本研究センター [Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies],  311日本語教材プロジェクト [San ichi ichi nihongo kyōzai purojekuto] accessed February 20, 2015, http://www.iucjapan.org/html/311_material_j.html. The 311 Japanese Teaching Materials Project is an educational resource that allows students to learn about 3.11 and its societal impacts while practicing their Japanese language skills. Created

映画: 小さき声のカノン-選択する人々 (2015)


WEBSITE: Project “Sending Books to the Children of Iwaki” [震災復興支援 in FUKUSHIMA -いわきの子供たちに本を送る-]

Project “Sending Books to the Children of Iwaki”: http://atlantic.gssc.nihon-u.ac.jp/~gssc_alumni/project.html (accessed February 28, 2015) This website features an archive of correspondence – email, postal, and pictorial – between the participants of an ongoing project to send books to the children of Iwaki City. Iwaki

논문: Misrecognizing Tsunamis: Ontological Politics and Cosmopolitical Challenges in Early Warning Systems (2014)

  Farías, Ignacio. “Misrecognizing Tsunamis: Ontological Politics and Cosmopolitical Challenges in Early Warning Systems.” The Sociological Review 62, S1 (2014): 61-87. 이 논문은 2010년 2월 27일 밤 칠레에서 발생한 쓰나미 경보시스템의 실패를 둘러싼 논쟁을 다루고 있다. 특히 쓰나미가 칠레 해안가의

ARTICLE: Misrecognizing Tsunamis: Ontological Politics and Cosmopolitical Challenges in Early Warning Systems (2014)

  Farías, Ignacio. 2014. “Misrecognizing Tsunamis: Ontological Politics and Cosmopolitical Challenges in Early Warning Systems.” The Sociological Review 62, S1: 61-87. This article examines the debates around the failure of the warning system for the tsunami that occurred in Chile