記事: Hatoko comes home: Civil society and nuclear power in Japan
[Teach311 + COVID-19] Collective
a teaching resource for scholars and educators
Jacob Hamblin的著作《井中毒藥》一書描述了從第二次世界大戰到1972年倫敦公約(London Convention)間,科學家與政治家如何處理核能廢料問題。透過聚焦於美國與英國,Hamblin細緻地描繪科學社群、政治領域裡持續成長的衝突,與公眾對海中放射線廢棄物處置議題的覺醒。不甚熟悉此議題的讀者心中應會浮現以下問題:它是安全的嗎?諸多國家這樣做是不對的嗎?禁止它是正確的嗎?
This is an innovative and accessible narrative of multi-faceted relationships between a nation, pain, and industrial pollution. Walker offers fresh analyses of well-known cases in Japanese history, such as the Meiji period’s Ashio copper mine and the more recent Minamata and Itai-itai (“it hurts, it hurts”) diseases in the postwar period.
Editors’ Note: This is a Chinese translation of a Teach 3.11 annotation. We invite volunteers to translate and/or contribute content in Korean, Japanese, and Chinese languages. Thank you. 編輯的話: 本文為本站已發表的英文摘要之中文翻譯,我們誠摯地邀請有志者協助我們翻譯或撰寫韓文,日文,或中文的摘要。謝謝。 書本章節:「起始與暫緩: 國民黨,科學,與科技」(Greene, 2008) Greene, J. Megan. 2008. “Starts and Stops:
広島と長崎への原爆投下後、放射線の遺伝影響研究はABCC(原子爆弾傷害調査委員会)の中心課題となった。スーザン・リンディーはアメリカの原爆調査の歴史を検討した著書 Suffering Made Real: American Science and the Survivors at Hiroshima 第4章でABCC の遺伝研究に焦点をあてている。
Lakoff, Andrew, ed. 2010. Disaster and the Politics of Intervention. New York: Columbia University Press. アンドリュー・レイコフ編(2010)『災害と介入における政 治』コロンビア大学出版. 本書は「大災害に至るリスクを軽減するために公共機関によって行われる介入の役割」(1頁~2頁)について様々な観点から論じている専門書である。本書は編者のアンドリュー・レイコフ(南カリフォルニア大学准教授)による序文に加えて以下の論文によって構成されている。 Chapter 1: “Beyond Calculation: A Democratic Response to Risk,” by Sheila Jasanoff. Chapter 2: “Private Choices, Public Harms: The Evolution of National
Jacob Hamblin, “‘A Dispassionate and Objective Effort: Negotiating the First Study on the Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation,” Journal of the History of Biology 40, no. 1 (March 2007): 147-177. In this article Jacob Hamblin examines the history of the
Editors’ Note: This is a Korean translation of a Teach 3.11 annotation. We invite volunteers to translate and/or contribute content in Korean, Japanese, and Chinese languages. Thank you. (한국어, 일본어, 중국어로 기존의 내용을 번역하거나 새로운 내용을 기고할 자원활동가를 찾고 있습니다.)
Editors’ Note: This is a Korean translation of a Teach 3.11 annotation. We invite volunteers to translate and/or contribute content in Korean, Japanese, and Chinese languages. Thank you. (한국어, 일본어, 중국어로 기존의 내용을 번역하거나 새로운 내용을 기고할 자원활동가를 찾고 있습니다.)
Editors’ Note: This is a Korean translation of a Teach 3.11 annotation. We invite volunteers to translate and/or contribute content in Korean, Japanese, and Chinese languages. Thank you. (한국어, 일본어, 중국어로 기존의 내용을 번역하거나 새로운 내용을 기고할 자원활동가를 찾고 있습니다.)
The multi-language educational project Teach 3.11 launched shortly after March 11th, 2011 in an effort to introduce resources to help “teach the disaster” through the lens of history of science, technology, environment, and medicine in global East Asia. To commemorate
Editors’ Note: This is a translation of a Teach 3.11 annotation that originally appeared here. We invite volunteers to translate and/or contribute content to Teach 3.11 in any language, including Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. Thank you. Tsukahara, Tōgo. 2011. “Disaster
311バーチャル会議: Looking Back to Look Forward (11-12 March 2012) Teach 311は2012年3月11日~12日日本時間朝8時から、STS 福島フォーラムのホームページ上で東北大震災の一周忌に開かれるバーチャル会議を後援します。このイベントは、現地調査を手がける著名な研究者から大学院生によるエッセイに対してのコメントや対話を48時間に渡り受け付けるもので、昨年あった地震、津波、核による惨事の合同災害に関連する主な課題や未解決の問題について話し合う場になる予定です。 どなたでも参加できますので、皆様と語り合えますのを楽しみにしております。詳細はこちらです。 Teach 3.11 is pleased to co-sponsor a “virtual conference” that will take place 11-12 March 2012 from 8:00 a.m., Japan Standard Time (6:00 p.m., March 10, EST) at the science
Kirby, Peter Wynn. Troubled Natures: Waste, Environment, Japan. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press, 2011. Troubled Natures by Peter Wynn Kirby illustrates culturally specific understandings of waste in Japan gleaned through anthropological analysis. Blurring the distinction between the “human” and the
Editors’ Note: This is a Chinese translation of a Teach 3.11 annotation. We invite volunteers to translate and/or contribute content in Korean, Japanese, and Chinese languages. Thank you. 《地震國度: 日本地震的文化政治1868-1930 》 Clancey, Gregory. 2006. Earthquake Nation: The Cultural Politics of
Kamanaka, Hitomi. 2010. Ashes to Honey. Group Gendai. “What is the best course of development for humankind?” director Hitomi Kamanaka asks in her 2010 film, Ashes to Honey. This documentary builds an argument for the necessity of a sustainable future
Yoshioka, Hitoshi. 2006. “Future Plans for Nuclear Physics Research,” “The Rise of Nuclear Fusion Research,” “The Development and Utilization of Nuclear Reactors.” In A Social History of Science and Technology in Contemporary Japan: Volume 4: High Economic Growth Period, 1960-1969,
Energy and Climate Policy Research Institute (South Korea) ed. 2011. Tal-Haek: Post-Fukushima wa Energy Jeonwhan Sidae-eui Nonri. 탈핵: 포스트 후쿠시마와 에너지 전환 시대의 논리 [Getting Off of Nuclear: Post-Fukushima and the Logic of Energy Transformation] Seoul: Imagine. The nuclear disaster at
Yoshioka, Hitoshi, “Forming a Nuclear Regime and Introducing Commercial Reactors,” and “Nuclear Power Research and the Scientists’ Role”; and Sasamoto, Yukuo, “The Bikini Incident and Radiation Surveys,” in A Social History of Science and Technology in Contemporary Japan: Road to