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ARTICLE: Misrecognizing Tsunamis: Ontological Politics and Cosmopolitical Challenges in Early Warning Systems (2014)

  Farías, Ignacio. 2014. “Misrecognizing Tsunamis: Ontological Politics and Cosmopolitical Challenges in Early Warning Systems.” The Sociological Review 62, S1: 61-87. This article examines the debates around the failure of the warning system for the tsunami that occurred in Chile

WEBSITE: Earthquake School in the Cloud: Citizen Seismologists in Taiwan [台灣地震學園]

“Earthquake School in the Cloud: Citizen seismologists in Taiwan.” Accessed December 07, 2014. http://.wix.com/earthquake-school. “Taiwan dizhen xueyuan (台灣地震學園).” Accessed December 07, 2014.  http://katepili2003.wix.com/future-eq-school.   This Taiwan-based website is a resource platform that provides games and stories to educate citizens about seismology,

記事:近代化を抱擁する温泉ー大正期のラジウム温泉ブームにおける放射線医学の役割 (2013)

中尾麻伊香.「近代化を抱擁する温泉 : 大正期のラジウム温泉ブームにおける放射線医学の役割」、『科学史研究』52 (2013): 187-199.


Artikel: “Transfer Teknologi Di Balik Usaha Diplomasi: Menganalisa Ulang Proyek Bahan Bakar Nuklir Korea Selatan di tahun 1970an” (2009)

Judul asli: Kim, Seong-Jun. 2009. “Technology Transfer Behind a Diplomatic Struggle: Reappraisal of South Korea’s Nuclear Fuel Project in the 1970s.” Historia Scientiarum 19(2): 184-193. Seong-Jun Kim menelusuri Proyek Bahan Bakar Nuklir, suatu usaha yang gagal oleh pemerintah dan ilmuwan



Artikel: “Atoms Untuk Diperjualbelikan? Pembangunan Institusi Perang Dingin dan Proyek Atom Korea Selatan, 1945-1965” (2010)

Judul asli: DiMoia, John. “Atoms for Sale? Cold War Institution-Building and the South Korean Atomic Energy Project, 1945-1965.” Technology and Culture 51 (2010): 589-618. DOI: 10.1353/tech.2010.0021 Program nuklir Korea Selatan memiliki sejarah yang dinamis. Berawal dari bantuan teknologi nuklir dari