Image: The most recent phylogenetic tree (2019) of Y. pestis, the plague pathogen. The Justinianic Plague genomes are the ones in red near the center of the figure. Originally published in: Zhou, Zhemin, et al. “The EnteroBase user’s guide, with case studies on Salmonella transmissions, Yersinia pestis phylogeny, and Escherichia core genomic diversity.” Genome Research 30 (2020): 138–152. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Click here to view source.
Lee Mordechai目前是耶路撒冷希伯來大學的高級講師。目前,他的興趣在於環境史與十一世紀拜占庭社會史相結合的領域,特別是對古代晚期如查士丁尼克瘟疫和地中海東部大地震這樣的災難的重新評估。 此外,Lee先生還擔任普林斯頓大學氣候變化與歷史研究計劃(CCHRI:的副主任和聯合首席研究員,他在那裡研究前現代地中海社會面對環境的短期壓力時所表現出的社會適應能力。
Teach311 + COVID-19 is a collective of educators, researchers, artists, students and survivors spanning disciplinary and linguistic boundaries who study and teach about disasters. Our collaborative process encourages empathetic inquiry into the past, and shares those stories for the future.